SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1: Phelan, S. K., Kinsella, E. A. (2012). Picture this…safety, dignity, and voice – ethical research with children: Practical considerations for the reflexive researcher. Qualitative Inquiry, 19(2), 81-90.

Learning Objective: 3.4
How does the asset support this Learning Objective? The article discusses the ethical issues for research using visual methods with children and with children in general.

Summary: While engaged in a research project involving the use of visual methods with children, the authors discovered that there are many ethical considerations beyond what could have been predicted at the outset. Some of these considerations are important with respect to research with children in general, while others arise more particularly when using visual methods. Framed around the two broad categories of procedural ethics and ethics in practice, five areas of ethical concern are considered: (a) assent or willingness to participate, (b) informed consent and assent using visual methods, (c) issues of disclosure, (d) power imbalances, and (e) representations of the child. The authors propose that researcher reflexivity on ethically important moments lies at the heart of living ethical practice in qualitative research and that the ideals of enabling child safety, dignity, and voice serve as useful guides in the quest for ethical practices in research with children.

Questions to Consider:

  1. What are the five areas of ethical concern for using children in research?
  2. What does “living ethical practice” in qualitative research mean?
  3. What is reflexivity and how can it be used as a tool to enact ethical research practice?

Article 2: Gersten, R., Fuchs, L. S., Compton, D., Coyne, M., Greenwood, C., & Innocenti, M. S. (2005). Quality indicators for group experimental and quasi-experimental research in special education. Exceptional Children, 71(2), 149-164. 

Learning Objective: 3.2
How does the asset support this Learning Objective? The article discusses the use of experimental and quasi-experimental research.

Summary: This article presents quality indicators for experimental and quasi-experimental studies for special education. These indicators are intended not only to evaluate the merits of a completed research report or article but also to serve as an organizer of critical issues for consideration in research. We believe these indicators can be used widely, from assisting in the development of research plans to evaluating proposals. In this article, the framework and rationale is explained by providing brief descriptions of each indicator. Finally, we suggest a standard for determining whether a practice may be considered evidence-based. It is our intent that this standard for evidenced-based practice and the indicators be reviewed, revised as needed, and adopted by the field of special education.

Questions to Consider:

  1. What is the difference between experimental and quasi-experimental research?
  2. Why would a researcher choose to use an experimental design? A quasi-experimental design?
  3. What is evidenced-based practice? When is a practice evidence-based?