Child Development: An Active Learning Approach
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Web Links:
Web Link 14.1: Screentime
Description: Website article from The Atlantic that discusses research showing that children are far exceeding the two-hour daily limit of screen time recommended by pediatricians.
Web Link 14.2: Aggression and Video Games
Description: APA review that confirms the link between playing violent video games and aggression, but does not find sufficient evidence to link violent video game play and criminal violence.
Web Link 14.3: Family Contract for Online Safety
Description: link to the family contract for online safety that has pledges that kids, teens and parents can agree on, printed out and signed by both parties.
Audio Link 14.1: Managing Media Use
Description: NPR story on an online tool to manage kids' media use.
Video Link 14.6: Concussions
Description: CDC website titled HEADS UP to Youth Sports, developed the HEADS UP Concussion in Youth Sports initiative to help ensure the health and safety of young athletes.
Video Link 14.1: Unstructured Play
Description: This video is part of a documentary called "Where do the Children Play" which focuses on children and unstructured play.
Video Link 14.2: Overscheduled Children
Description: The video describes ways that parents can tell if their children are overscheduled with activities.
Video Link 14.3: Positive Youth Development
Description: Dr. Richard Lerner describes the positive youth development movement and how it differs from the way we have traditionally looked at development.
Video Link 14.4: Positive Youth Development
Description: Dr. Jeffrey Butts describes how the positive youth development model has been adapted to use with youth in the criminal justice system.
Video Link 14.5: Concussions
Description: A teenager describes how ignoring a spoorts-related concussion changed her life.
Video Link 14.6: Mentoring
Description: Save Our Youth in Denver Colorado helped create this conference video that emphasizes real stories about lives changed by mentoring.
Video Link 14.7: Multi-tasking and Media Use
Description: The Kaiser Family Foundation produced this video on multitasking and explores the powerful force that media can be in the lives of teens and tweens.
Video Link 14.8: The Thin Ideal
Description: Jean Kilbourne talks about the unrealistic images of women in media and the impact those images have on the viewers.
Video Link 14.9: Media and Young Children
Description: An original Howcast video that discusses how media and technology affect children.
Video Link 14.10: Violent Video Games
Description: CBS News produced this video focusing on the harmful effects of violent video games.
Video Link 14.11: Therapeutic Riding
Description: The therapeutic riding program allows children with cerebral therapy to experience the freedom and fun of riding horses.