Child Development: An Active Learning Approach
Third Edition
Discussion Questions
- Think about your own development of self-concept. Use Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory to discuss the influences of each level on your development of self-concept.
- Do you have experience around young children? What behaviors have you witnessed that exemplify content from chapter 11?
- Think about your experience as an adolescent. Did you go through many identities? What was your experience? Relate it to chapter 11’s content.
- Did you experience a rite of passage? Discuss.
- Provide an example description of a child in each of Marcia’s identity statuses.
- In your own words, discuss the difference between self-esteem and self-concept. Provide an example of each.
- Think about your own self-esteem. What factors in your life have influenced your self-esteem? Relate your answer to Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory.
- Which theory of gender development do you believe best explains gender development? Why do you agree with this theory?
- A teenager comes to you and confides that she thinks she is a lesbian. What advice would you give to her? Would you suggest that she confides in others? What challenges will she face?
- In your opinion, which theory best explains homosexuality? Why?
- Do you remember the moment you realized your ethnic identity? What was that like? What happened? Describe how your ethnic identity has developed.
- Chapter 11 discusses moral development. Theories of Kohlberg and Gilligan are introduced. Read the moral dilemmas presented in your textbook.
- What would you do if you were Heinz? Would you steal the drug? Why or why not?
- How would you handle the situation with the porcupine and moles? Discuss your reasoning.
- What do you believe explains the difference between moral thought and moral action?