Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Web Links:

Web Link 1.1: Early Childhood Development
Description: Website that discusses the importance of early childhood development and provides resources in the study of child development.

Web Link 1.2: Social Policy
Description: Website is a .pdf article with the purpose of suggesting some ways in which researchers can make their work more useful to policymakers.

Web Link 1.3: Domains of Development
Description: This website discusses seven domains of early childhood development.

Web Link 1.4: Nature and Nurture
Description: This website provides an examination of the nature versus nurture debate.


Audio Link 1.1: Community intervention
Description: A discussion of a community initiative to combat lead contaminated water because of its impact on child development.


Video Link 1.1: Impact of Early Child Care 
Description: Short video on a study examining the link between child care, academic achievement, and behavior. This study was conducted by the National Institutes of Health. 

Video Link 1.2: Alan Sroufe
Description: Short video of Alan Sroufe, Ph.D. discussing attachment theory and how attachment patterns influence later development.

Video Link 1.3: Peer Review
Description: This is a three minute video explaining the process of peer-review process and its significance to new knowledge and scholarly research.

Video Link 1.4: Career Psychologist
Description: An overview of the day to day working life of a clinical psychologist.

Video link 1.5: Careers in early intervention
Description: A look at the variety of careers associated with early intervention with children.