Generalist Social Work Practice
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 9.1: Casework and Evaluation: Learning From My Success Story
Description: A caseworker recalls one of her most rewarding and successful child welfare cases, one in which the services she helped to deliver made a real difference for two teenage girls and their mother. The caseworker explains the unexpected role that evaluation played in this experience.
Audio 9.1: Beginnings, Middles, and Ends: Stories about Social Work from Ogden Rogers, PhD
Description: Dr. Ogden Rogers recounts two stories that represent the end phase of social work process. The first, “Killing Brendon: I Go, Ego, We Go” is Ogden’s very personal reflection about his newborn son. The final story, "Decathexis," is about saying goodbye. [13:41-21:45]
Web 9.1: Assessment Instruments
Description: From the University of Buffalo School of Social Work, this webpage gives a number of assessment instruments that can be used to evaluate a new intervention or program.
Web 9.2: Termination Guidelines
Description: The NASW Utah chapter provides guidelines for termination with clients that focus on the ethical dimensions.