Generalist Social Work Practice
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 15.1: How Technology is Changing Social Services Forever
Description: The use of text messaging and GIS mapping as case management tools for communication with homeless youth is presented. Ethical use of technology is also covered.
Video 15.2: Top 5 Misconceptions Impacting Collaboration: Case Management & Social Work POV
Description: This video provides a basic understanding of the roles and backgrounds of some core members of an interprofessional healthcare team. It also provides insight into these professionals' views of the types of common misconceptions that can derail collaboration, as well as their suggestions for how to improve.
Video 15.3: Connected Care: A Comprehensive Care Experience
Description: This video ties in many of the concepts covered in this chapter to include case management, interprofessional collaboration, and the use of technology in a case study format.
Audio 15.1: Practice Standards on Social Work and Technology: Changes, Challenges, and Ongoing Debates
Description: In this podcast, Dr. Allan Barsky discusses updates and enhancements that were recently made to the practice standards of the NASW Code of Ethics involving the use of technology. He describes how the standards can provide guidance when utilizing technology in micro, mezzo, and macro level interventions and in developing policies that address the benefits, challenges, and risks associated with the use of technology in practice. [7:39-12:19]
Web 15.1: The New Social Worker
Description: The New Social Worker features a repository of articles related to the intersection of technology and social work.