Generalist Social Work Practice
SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 3.1 Solas, J. (2008). What kind of social justice does social work seek? International Social Work, 51(6): 813-822.
Abstract: One of social work's most important practice values is social justice. This article deconstructs what the term social justice represents, since it is essential for social work to be clear about the type of social justice it seeks to uphold.
Learning Objective: 3.4 Describe the format of the Code of Ethics of the National Association of Social Workers.
Abstract: The meaning of the term empathy has been refined in the last few decades. The updated understanding of the term impacts the understanding of the social worker–client relationship. The nature and meaning of relationships may impact one's ethical decision-making. For some, ethical practice is premised upon being able to enter into a relationship with the client that is based on empathy as it is currently defined. Practice implications follow from the relationship between empathy and ethics. These include clarification of methods to support the client’s agency, the nature of boundaries, and the use of self. All of the practice suggestions flow from the notion that we must critically analyze our orientation toward relationship in social work practice.
Learning Objective: 3.1 Summarize the meaning and purpose of professional use of self.