Generalist Social Work Practice
Video and Multimedia
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Video 1.1: Van Jones: The Economic Injustice of Plastic.
Description: Van Jones makes the connection between the use of plastics and its effects on not only the environment, but on people living in poverty. Aspects of generalist social work practice include attention to social, economic, and environmental justice, and this TED Talk touches upon all of them within the first five minutes of this 11 minute video.
Video 1.2: Social workers as super-heroes
Description: Anna Scheyett’s TED Talk provides a description of social workers, their academic preparation, common roles, and the strength’s perspective.
Audio 1.1: Dr. Michael Reisch: How Did Social Work Get Here? The Historical Narratives That Shape Social Work Research and Practice
Description: This is first of two episodes in which Dr. Michael Reisch describes how "the past is the present" and how "master narratives" about historical events have come to frame how the social work research agenda has been set, how it's been done, and how its findings have been implemented. This provides additional perspective to the historical context presented in Chapter 1 of the text. [3:20-13:55]
Audio 1.2: Dr. Elisabeth Reichert: Social Work and Human Rights
Description: In this episode, Dr. Elisabeth Reichert traces the history of the human rights movement and addresses the role of social work in that movement. This builds upon Gasker’s contention of human rights being the foundation of social work’s perspective of social justice. [2:25-9:06]
Web 1.1: National Association of Social Workers
Description: Website of the National Association of Social Workers