Generalist Social Work Practice
SAGE Journal Articles
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Journal Article 12.1 Gitterman, A., & Knight, C. (2016). Empowering clients to have an impact on their environment: Social work practice with groups. Families in Society, 97(4): 278-285.
Abstract: Social work practitioners often are forced to overlook the environmental realities of their clients' lives. The tension inherent in the conflict between the realities of contemporary social work practice and the profession's social justice mission leave many social workers frustrated, with little choice but to follow prescribed and proscribed procedures and practices centered in their clients' “clinical” environment. Given the enormity and intractability of broader social problems, workers can also feel overwhelmed and powerless to effect change in the clients' physical and social environments. By ignoring environmental realities, social work professionals unwittingly reinforce clients' feelings of hopelessness and powerlessness. Social work practice with groups is uniquely positioned to be a powerful force for influencing clients' social and physical environments.
Learning Objective: 12.1 Learn about the benefits of social work groups.
Journal Article 12.2 Weinberg, H., Nuttman-Shwartz, O., & Gilmore, M. (2005). Trauma groups: An overview. Group Analysis, 38(2): 187-202.
Abstract: Beginning with a brief review of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder, the authors consider the role of group treatment of trauma. Several models of groups are discussed along with available research regarding efficacy. A discussion of the special dynamics of trauma groups and important considerations for group conducting follows and the issue of vicarious traumatization for the group conductor is addressed. A short discussion regarding the need to integrate traumatized individuals back into society concludes the paper.
Learning Objective: 12.2 Identify a variety of group types.