SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1: Scott, B. J., Vitale, M. R., & Masten, W. G. (1998). Implementing instructional adaptations for students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms: A literature review. Remedial and Special Education19(2), 106–119.

Abstract: Examined are classroom teachers' perceptions and use of instructional adaptations in general education classes. General educators were found to be positive about the desirability/effectiveness and reasonability/feasibility of making instructional adaptations for students with disabilities. However, research also revealed that when these students are included in general education classrooms, their teachers are unlikely to alter their traditional whole-group instructional strategies in favor of specific individualized adaptations. In interpreting this inconsistency, we found that the literature identified lack of teacher training and limited school support as barriers to classroom teachers' being able to accommodate the individual needs of students in inclusive settings. Implications for practice and for future research are discussed.

Article 2: Vaughn, S., Hughes, M. T., Moody, S. W., & Elbaum, B. (2001). Instructional grouping for reading for students with LD: Implications for practice. Intervention in School and Clinic36(3), 131–137.

Abstract: Teachers' grouping practices during reading instruction can serve as a critical component in facilitating effective implementation of reading instruction and inclusion of students with disabilities in general education classes. In this article, we provide an overview of the recent research on grouping practices (whole class, small group, pairs, one-on-one) during reading instruction for students with disabilities. After discussion of each grouping format, implications for practice are highlighted with particular emphasis on instructional practices that promote effective grouping to meet the needs of all students during reading in general education classrooms.