Multimedia Resources
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Web 1: Methods for Measuring Service Quality
Description: This article discusses nine methods to measure service quality.
LO 12.2 Demonstrate how to use methods of measuring service effectiveness, including service standards, process strategies, managerial observation, and employee assessment.
LO 12.4 Demonstrate how to acquire guest opinions of service effectiveness using comment cards, surveys (mail, web, and phone), focus groups, and mystery shoppers.
Web 2: Implementing Service Guarantees
Description: Read the article on the impact or service guarantees and why it may be important to use them.
LO 12.3 Explain how to use service guarantees.
Web 3: Case Study on TQM
Description: Read more about implementation of TQM and its role in continuous improvement in the hospitality industry.
LO 12.6 Discuss how to achieve continuous improvement in the experience provided to guests.