Web Exercises
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Exercise 1
Juvenile court, like the adult court system, has numerous procedures that must be maintained in order for the court to operate efficiently. Chapter 7 provides an explanation of each of the stages of juvenile court. In order to learn more about juvenile court, review the Shelby County’s Juvenile Court Documentary at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypX1Licb_RA.
- Do you believe this video is useful for parents and others who are interested in juvenile court? Why or why not?
Exercise 2
Juvenile court, like the adult court system, has numerous procedures that must be maintained in order for the court to operate efficiently. Chapter 7 provides an explanation of each of the stages of juvenile court. To learn more, visit the Louisiana Juvenile Regional Resources website at http://www.jrsla.org/youths/jvcourt.php.
- Examine the procedures explained throughout the site.
- Do you think this website is helpful for juveniles and parents? Did you learn anything you didn’t know from the website?
- Compared to procedures in your state, are they the same?