Web Exercises

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.

Exercise 1

  1. Research the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention website at https://www.ojjdp.gov/Programs/ProgSummary.asp?pi=19&ti=4&si=16&kw=&strItem=&strSingleItem=&p=topic&PreviousPage=SearchResults
  2. Explore the Program of Research on the Causes and Correlates of Delinquency topics
  3. Pick one article and summarize the findings based upon the information presented in this chapter

Exercise 2

Restorative justice is one dispositional alternative available to juvenile courts. Restorative justice comes in a variety of applications such as mediation panels, community service, and so on. The type of program used by the juvenile court will depend on the type of restorative justice program offered in their geographical area. It is important, however, to understand all of the various restorative justice applications because this philosophy is quickly being adapted in jurisdictions across the United States. In order to more fully understand restorative justice, please visit the Center for Restorative Justice and Peacemaking at http://www.cehd.umn.edu/ssw/rjp/.

  1. Restorative justice can be used in conjunction with probation. Explain how the two concepts can coexist and the strengths and weaknesses of the combined programs.
  2. Click on Resources and choose two or three research articles on the various restorative justice practices. What are the major differences and similarities among the programs?
  3. The Center for Restorative Justice and Peacemaking provides a variety of statistics regarding the effectiveness of restorative justice. What types of statistics are provided on the website regarding the effectiveness of the restorative justice programs? What are the inherent problems with these types of statistics? If the website provides primarily unofficial statistics, what information is not being provided by the restorative justice statistics? If the website provides primarily official statistics, what information is not being provided by the restorative justice statistics?
  4. The restorative justice system provides dispositions to juveniles who come before the program. How are these dispositions different from or similar to the dispositions currently used within the juvenile justice system? Do these dispositions have different goals than those currently used by the juvenile justice system? If so, how are the goals different?
  5. Can restorative justice be used with any of the other dispositions discussed in Chapter 11 of your textbook? If so, discuss which dispositions restorative justice can be combined with and how the goals of the dispositions may change when restorative justice is combined with them. If you do not believe that restorative justice can be combined with dispositions used in the traditional juvenile justice system, explain why.