Juvenile Delinquency in a Diverse Society
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video 1: "Adjudication Hearings" in Juvenile Court
Description: A former DA--now a criminal defense lawyer--discusses juvenile court "adjudication hearings."
Video 2: Juvenile Court: How Does It Work
Description: Juveniles able to work out their cases out of the public eye.
Audio 1: For Juvenile Offenders, Supreme Court Ruling Opens Door to Parole
Description: A new Supreme Court ruling means thousands of juvenile offenders who were given life without parole could now have a shot at release. Youth Radio's Sayre Quevedo has the story.
Audio 2: Settlement Reached to Overhaul Mississippi Juvenile Courts
Description: The U.S. Justice Department has reached a settlement with the state of Mississippi to overhaul the way young people are arrested and processed through the juvenile courts, NPR has learned.
Web 1: Flowchart of the Juvenile Court Process
Description: An example of a juvenile court process.
Web 2: National Juvenile Defender Center
Description: The official website for the National Juvenile Defender Center.