Video and Multimedia

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Money's Lack of Motivation
In “The Puzzle of Motivation,” Dan Pink discusses how traditional rewards are not as effective as managers think, and what managers can do differently. TED, July 2009. (18:36).
This video relates to Learning Objectives 9.3 and 9.4.

Reinforcement Theory
These humorous clips from The Big Bang Theory exemplify positive and negative reinforcement theory. (4:53).
This video relates to Learning Objective 9.1.

Extrinsic Rewards 
In College Football, coaches distribute stickers for players’ helmets to reward and motivate athletes. (2:48).
This video relates to Learning Objective 9.3.

Ambition Gap
More magazine's Lesley Seymour discusses why many American women are opting for a more balanced life over a career-dominated lifestyle. (5:38)
This video relates to Learning Objective 9.4.

Performance Management
Whirlpool executives talk about performance management and the changes the company has been making. (10:53).
This video relates to Learning Objective 9.6.