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Chapter 5

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Introduction to Strategic Management

  1. Where do we compete?
  2. How do we compete?
  3. How do we formulate a strategy to compete well and perhaps out-compete our rivals?

Communicating Strategy with the Balanced Scorecard

  1. How is Management by Walking Around (MBWA) is implemented?
  2. What is strategy and how can a critical role in communication matter?
  3. How important is the ability to communicate in strategy by being fun and also effective?

Jack Welch's 3 Great Advice (Sacred Heart Talk)

  1. How can always over deliver as a strategist?
  2. How can you develop a positive attitude as a strategist?
  3. How can you develop a perspective that is wider when delivering or communicating a strategy?

Steve Jobs response to Apple's new strategy

  1. Why should a company partner with a competitor?
  2. Jack Welch stated at one time to be one or two in the marketplace or get out. What does he mean by this statement?
  3. How can a company find its niche in the marketplace?