SAGE Journal Articles

Chapter 12

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Tracey, J. B., and Hinkin, T. R. (1998). Transformational Leadership or Effective Managerial Practices? Group & Organization Management, 23 (3): 220-236.

  1. A question for further research posited by the authors suggest that how transformational leaders exert their influence on their followers. How do you feel about that idea?
  2. Is leadership actually defined as management behavior or practices?
  3. What are the I’s of transformational leadership and what do they mean?

Walumbwa, F. O., Avolio, B. J., Gardner, W. L., Wernsing T. S., and Peterson, S. J. (2008). Authentic Leadership: Development and Validation of a Theory-Based Measure? Journal of Management, 34 (1): 89-126

  1. Emerging from a cross section of leadership, ethics, and positive organizational behavior is a more recent topic called Authentic Leadership. Clarify this further based on this article.
  2. Does authentic leadership have deep roots in philosophy?
  3. Authentic leadership theory posits that the leaders’ espoused values/beliefs and actions become aligned over time and across varying situational challenges. Do you agree? Explain.