Multimedia Resources

Includes On the Web and In the News links curated by the authors, along with other audio/video content.

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


In the News:

Description: These resources and articles accompany the In the News features in this chapter.


Video 1: Are Crows the Ultimate Problem Solvers?

Description: Dr. Alex Taylor sets a difficult problem-solving task for his crows, but will the crows defeat the puzzle?

Video 2: The Evolution of Intelligence

Description: Dr. MichioKaku explains the evolution of human intelligence.

Video 3: The Heredity of Intelligence

Description: Interview with Robert Plomin about behavioral genetics of intelligence.

Video 4: Cognition and Healthy Brain Aging

Description: Dr. Kirk Daffner explains what changes people can expect in their cognitive abilities as they grow older and what steps they can take to promote cognitive health throughout life.

Video 5: The World Needs All Kinds of Minds

Description: Temple Grandin, diagnosed with autism as a child, talks about how her mind works –sharing her ability to “think in pictures,” which helps her solve problems that neurotypical brains might miss


Audio 1: Straight Talk about IQ

Description: Interview with cognitive neuroscientist Chris Chabris about IQ.


On the Web 1: Stephen Hawking

Description: Stephen Hawking’s website features a brief biography, information about his professional accomplishments, and downloadable copies of public lectures.

On the Web 2: Not Exactly Rocket Science/Nature’s Tools: How Birds Use Them

Description: At Not Exactly Rocket Science you can read about tool use in chimpanzees and see a video of chimps making and using fishing sticks. Nature’s Tools: How Birds Use Them is an excerpt from a BBC wildlife film that shows a New Caledonian crow fishing for grubs.

On the Web 3: Brain Drain: Are We Evolving Stupidity?

Description: This is a New Scientist article about studies indicating a slight worldwide decline in IQ in recent years. Some observers worry that medical and societal support may be keeping maladaptive genes in the pool, while others say the evidence is sparse and sometimes contradictory, and may be due to chance.

On the Web 4: The Bell Curve Flattened

Description: The Bell Curve Flattened, an article in the online magazine Slate, refutes ideas about genetic racial differences in intelligence that were presented in the controversial book The Bell Curve.

On the Web 5: The Arc/American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities/National Fragile X Foundation/Williams Syndrome

Description: You can get information about various kinds of intellectual disability from The Arc, the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, the National Fragile X Foundation, and the National Library of Medicine’s Williams Syndrome page.

On the Web 6: Autism Spectrum Disorder/Autism Spectrum Disorder/Autism Research Institute/Mapping Connectivity

Description: Sources of information on autism and autism spectrum disorders include the National Institute of Mental Health’s website Autism Spectrum Disorder, Internet Mental Health’s Autism Spectrum Disorder site, and the Autism Research Institute’s section on Treating Autism (see menu item). Mapping Connectivity has information about connectivity mapping in autism, with photos illustrating seven methods used.

On the Web 7: Savant Syndrome 2013—Myths and Realities/Kim Peek

Description: The Wisconsin Medical Society’s Savant Syndrome 2013 – Myths and Realities may dispel some of your notions about savantism and even about intelligence. Then, two videos of Kim Peek are guaranteed to impress you.

On the Web 8: Temple Grandin

Description: Temple Grandin’s website features her professional work along with a brief description of her.

On the Web 9: Attention Deficit Disorder Association/Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Description: The Attention Deficit Disorder Association has high-quality articles on ADHD, and the National Institute of Mental Health explores a number of topics at its Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder site.