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Aguinis, H., and Glavas, A. (2012) What we know and don’t know about corporate social responsibility: A review and research agenda. Journal of Management, 38(4): 932-968.
Chin, M.K., Hambrick, D.C., and Treviño, L.K. (2013). Political ideologies of CEOs: The influence of executives’ values on corporate social responsibility. Administrative Science Quarterly, 58(2): 197-232.
Crawshaw, J.R., Cropanzano, R., Bell, C.M. and Nadisic, T. (2013) Organizational justice: New insights from behavioural ethics. Human Relations, 66(7): 885-904.
Greenbaum, R.L., Mawritz, M.B., Mayer, D.M. and Priesemuth, M. (2013) To act out, to withdraw, or to constructively resist? Employee reactions to supervisor abuse of customers and the moderating role of employee moral identity. Human Relations, 66(7): 925-950.
Rupp, D.E. (2011) An employee-centred model of organizational justice and social responsibility. Organizational Psychology Review, 1(1): 72-94.