Video and Multimedia
Online Videos
LO 9.1: Describe the five sources of power available to managers and the ethical issues related to authoritarian and participatory leadership styles
Video 1: TedTalk: How Great Leaders Inspire Action
Description: Simon Sinek has a simple but powerful model for inspirational leadership—starting with a golden circle and the question “Why?” His examples include Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers.
Video 2: Leading With Influence: The 6 Power Bases
Description: Bernard Banks discusses the leadership science behind motivating others.
LO 9.2: Explain the two components of ethical leadership and how to measure ethical leadership
Video 1: TedTalk: When to Take a Stand—And When to Let It Go
Description: Ash Beckham recently found herself pulled between two roles—as an aunt and as an advocate—and offers bold suggestions for how to stand up for your moral integrity when it isn’t convenient.
Video 2: Ethical Leadership
Description: Apple CEO Tim Cook discusses ethical leadership.
LO 9.3: Develop organizational and work goals that foster ethical behaviors
Video 1: TedTalk: How to Make Stress Your Friend
Description: Psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to see stress as a positive and introduces us to an unsung mechanism for stress reduction: reaching out to others.
Video 2: Former Wells Fargo Managers: The Pressure Was Unbearable
Description: Former Wells Fargo branch managers explain the extreme pressure they felt to open new accounts and reach goals.
LO 9.4: Design and conduct employee performance appraisals that encourage ethical behavior
Video 1: TedTalk: Are You a Giver or a Taker?
Description: In every workplace, there are three basic kinds of people: givers, takers and matchers. Organizational psychologist Adam Grant breaks three basic kinds of workplace people—givers, takers and matchers down—and offers simple strategies to promote a culture of generosity and keep self-serving employees from taking more than their share.
Video 2: What Is the Key to Creating a “Speak-Up” Culture?
Description: Jean Bennington Sweeney, chief sustainability officer (CSO) for 3M, discusses the key to creating a “speak-up” culture.
LO 9.5: Compare and contrast how to discipline employees for major and minor ethical infractions
Video 1: TedTalk: Why Good Leaders Make You Feel Safe
Description: Management theorist Simon Sinek suggests that a great leader is someone who makes his or her employees feel secure and who draws staffers into a circle of trust.
Web 1: Theory X and Theory Y Questionnaire
Description: Website for the Theory X and theory Y Questionnaire
Web 2: Great Place to Work Institute
Description: Website for Great Place to Work
Web 3:The American Institute of Stress
Description: Website for the American Institute of Stress
Web 4: Fortune 100 Best Places to Work For
Description: Website for Great Place to Work, “The Fortune 100 Best Places to Work For” article
Web 5: International Forgiveness Institute
Description: Website for the International Forgiveness Institute