Video and Multimedia
Online Videos
LO 6.1: Describe several basic considerations for designing an ethics training workshop
Video 1: TedTalk: The Data Behind Hollywood’s Sexism
Description: Social scientist Stacy Smith analyzes how the media and Hollywood underrepresents and portrays women—and the potentially destructive effects those portrayals have on viewers.
LO 6.2: Propose different survey instruments to assess an organization’s ethical culture
Video 1: TedTalk: The Price of Shame
Description: Monica Lewinsky takes a hard look at our online culture of humiliation and public shaming, based on her experience during Bill Clinton’s presidency.
Video 2: The Effects of Culture on Organizational Ethics
Description: A video analyzing Volkswagen and the company’s poor organizational culture during their scandal.
LO 6.3: Design an engaging Code of Conduct workshop
Video 1: TedTalk: The Walk From “No” to “Yes”
Description: William Ury, author of “Getting to Yes,” offers an elegant, simple (but not easy) way to create agreement in even the most difficult situations—from family conflict to, perhaps, the Middle East.
Video 2: Four Generations—Harassment in the Workplace
Description: This video covers working with different generations in the workplace and viewpoints on sexual harassment.
LO 6.4: Conduct an Ethical Decision-Making workshop
Video 1: TedTalk: Human Trafficking Is All Around You, This Is How It Works
Description: Noy Thrupkaew investigates human trafficking—which flourishes in the United States and Europe as well as developing countries—and shows us the human faces behind the exploited labor that feeds global consumers, such as the everyday bargains of the $10 manicure.
Video 2: Workplace Ethics
Description: Follow a realistic scenario that will raise your awareness, provide a framework for ethical decision making, and help create a company that you can be proud of.
LO 6.5: Administer ethical self-awareness surveys
Video 1: TedTalk: How Racism Makes Us Sick
Description: David R. Williams developed a scale to measure the impact of discrimination on well-being, going beyond traditional measures like income and education, to reveal how factors like implicit bias, residential segregation, and negative stereotypes create and sustain inequality.
LO 6.6: Assess an ethics training workshop
Video 1: TedTalk: How to Build a Business That Lasts 1,000 Years
Description: Join strategist Martin Reeves as he shares startling statistics about shrinking corporate life spans and explains how executives can apply six principles from living organisms to build resilient businesses that flourish in the face of change.
Web 1: Examples of Group Discussion Guidelines
Description: Website for the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching
Web 2: Society for Human Resource Management, Creating an Ethical Workplace Culture
Description: Website for the Society for Human Resource Management
Web 3: Relevant Business Ethics Vignettes
Description: Website for Denis Collins Consulting
Web 4: International Personality Item Pool, Personality Scales
Description: Website for Alphabetical Index of 274 Labels for 463 IPIP Scales
Web 5: Sample Workshop Evaluation Form
Description: Website for a Sample Workshop Evaluation Form