You are probably already familiar with some of the well-known models of employee engagement presented in this chapter: McClelland, Maslow, Herzberg. These models have played a central role in management theory for several years, yet each was developed based on research from the 1950s and 1960s. Do they still hold as much relevance today as when they were first introduced? Are the ideas and tools that were developed for your grandparents useful in managing today’s workforce?
The current CEO to median employee salary ratio is over 400 to 1 in many U.S. companies. Can companies have this type of salary ratio and still adhere to principles of justice?
“Workplace bullying legislation has been proposed in 30 states. . . . No state has yet passed the legislation,” (p. 18). Why do you think workplace bullying has been so difficult to address with legislation?
Using the “Sources of Meaningful Work” (see Fig. 10.2) model, can you illustrate its elements using specific examples from your work experiences?
This chapter describes several group-based incentive systems (see pp. 41–48). Yet many people prefer to have their rewards tied to their individual performance (a quick survey of class members might confirm this preference). What supportive actions by managers might help encourage acceptance of group-based rewards over individual-based rewards?