Video and Multimedia

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LO 8-1: Discuss the impact technology has on business and professional communication

Video: 5 Principles on Using Information Technology to Improve Your Business
Description: A video that discusses principles that can bring the most improvement to businesses.

Audio: How Startups are Using Tech to Try and Fight Workplace Bias
Description: Tech firms are trying to fight workplace bias using technology.

Web: The Impact of Technological Change on Business Activity
Description: A discussion on the ways business technology has changed the way companies conduct business.


LO 8-2: Explain how emotion is expressed with technology

Video: Why is Technology Important?
Description: A positive video that shows the importance of technology in business.

Audio: Will Our Screens Soon be Able to Read Our Emotions?
Description: A discussion of the future of capturing and detecting our emotions.

Web: Why It's So Hard to Detect Emotion in E-mails and Texts
Description: An article discussing strategies to employ to deal with the lack of emotion indicators in e-mails and texts.


LO 8-3: Discuss how the drawbacks of technology can prevent you from excelling as a professional

Video: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains
Description: A video on the danger of the vast power of instant access to a lot of information.

Audio: Are You Willing to Share Your Wearable’s Data with Your Boss?
Description: This audio story tackles the balance technology is providing about employee movement and privacy.

Web: Some of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Communications Technology ICT
Description: An article discussing the benefits and problems with the vast growth in the use of communication technology in the workplace.


LO 8-4: Explain how to use professional etiquette with technology

Video: One Minute Wonder - Technology Etiquette
Description: This is a quick and to-the-point video about the time and place usage of technology.

Audio: Magazine Writes New Rules for Polite Digital Society
Description: The struggle to come up with new etiquette rules for using technology in our lives.

Web: The 10 Social & Tech Etiquette Rules for the Workplace
Description: A tech etiquette guide for companies.