Introduction to Corrections
Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video Links
Video 1: Last Days of Solitary
Description: This Frontline video demonstrates how solitary confinement is being decreased in Maine.
Video 2: Rare Look Inside an Arizona Maximum Security Prison
Description: News clip on the opening of a new Arizona maximum security facility
Audio Links
Audio 1: North Dakota Prison Officials Think Outside the Box to Revamp Solitary Confinement
Description: This audio clip describes an alternative to the use of solitary confinement and highlights the negative impacts of the traditional methods of isolation.
Audio 2: Are Prison Populations Decreasing? Depends on Where You Look
Description: This NPR story describes the differences in prison populations across the United States since 2010.
Web Resources
Web 1: Obama Bans Solitary Confinement for Juveniles in Prisons
Description: The policy enacted under the Obama Administration to eliminate the use of solitary confinement for youth is described in this article.
Web 2: Assigning Inmates to Prison
Description: This website provides insight into the inmate classification system used in North Carolina.