SAGE Journal Articles

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Journal Article 1: Golding, J. M., Lynch, K. R., Malik, S. E., & Foster-Gimbel, O. (2018). Justice served? Perceptions of plea bargaining involving a sexual assault in child and adult females. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 45, 503–518.

Abstract: Seventy-four community members (46 women, 28 men) read vignettes describing a plea bargain in a mock sexual assault case. We employed a within-participant design and manipulated rape victim age (6- vs. 26-year-old), type of plea bargain agreement (reduced prison sentence vs. only probation), and reason for plea bargain (save victim from reliving a traumatic experience vs. save time in court). Participants answered questions about the plea bargain agreement (e.g., was justice served). The results showed less support of plea bargaining when it (a) involved a child, (b) involved only probation, and (c) when the rationale for the plea bargain was to save time. Significant moderation revealed that plea deals involving probation in 6-year-old child cases were perceived most negatively. The results are discussed in terms of procedural justice theory in sexual assault cases, and how perceptions of the general public impact the use of plea bargaining as a legal tool.

Journal Article 2: Teasdale, B., Daigle, L. E., Hawk, S. R., & Daquin, J. C. (2016). Violent victimization in the prison context: An examination of the gendered contexts of prison. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 60, 995–1015.

Abstract: Currently there are few published, multilevel studies of physical assault victimization of prisoners. This study builds on the extant research by utilizing a nationally representative sample of correctional facilities (n = 326) and inmates (n = 17,640) to examine the impacts of a large set of theoretically and empirically derived individual- and contextual-level variables on prison victimization, including how the gendered context of prison impacts victimization. Results support the lifestyles/routine activities approach. Inmates who were charged with a violent offense, were previously victimized, were smaller in size, were not married, were without a work assignment, misbehaved, did not participate in programs, used alcohol or drugs, and those who had a depression or personality disorder were more likely to be victimized. In addition, the data suggest that 8% of the variance in victimization is due to the prison context. Prisons with high proportions of violent offenders, males, inmates from multiracial backgrounds, and inmates with major infractions had increased odds of victimization. Moreover, the sex-composition of the prison has significant main and interactive effects predicting victimization. Specifically, we find that the effects of being convicted of a drug crime, drug use, military service, major infractions, and diagnosed personality disorders are all gendered in their impacts on victimization.