Introduction to Corrections
Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video Links
Video 1: The Death Penalty
Description: This Open Mind production describes how being both for and against the death penalty is possible.
Video 2: Capital Punishment: Retribution or Justice?
Description: This video offers a discussion on the retributive nature of the death penalty in the case of Timothy McVeigh.
Audio Links
Audio 1: One Legal Scholar on Trump Calling for Death Penalty in New York Terror Case
Description: Josh Blackman discusses the constitutional legalities of the death penalty after it is called for by the President of the United States.
Audio 2: Oklahoma to Use Nitrogen Gas for Executions
Description: After two botched executions, Oklahoma will use nitrogen gas to execute death row inmates.
Web Resources
Web 1: Nebraska Carries Out 1st Execution Using Fentanyl in U.S.
Description: This NPR news story describes the first execution using the controversial drug fentanyl.
Web 2: Does the Death Penalty Bring Closure to a Victim’s Family?
Description: The rehabilitative effect of the death penalty is discussed and evaluated.