Introduction to Corrections
Multimedia Resources
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
Video Links
Video 1: Criminal Justice Reform for Women
Description: In this video, an advocate for prison reform describes how she uses her carceral experiences to help others after release.
Video 2: The Stories of Women in Prison for Drug Related Crimes
Description: This short documentary film discusses female prisoners convicted of drug in Mexico.
Audio Links
Audio 1: At Nashville Prison, Women Inmates Celebrate Earning Their Bachelor’s Degrees
Description: This audio clip highlights an inmate program supporting inmate higher education.
Audio 2: Mother and Son Involved in Domestic Violence Case Are at Risk of Being Deported
Description: This NPR recording discusses Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) policies surrounding domestic violence victims.
Web Resources
Web 1: The Prison Rape Videos: Three Out of Four Stars
Description: The Marshall Project outlines the issues surrounding Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) among women in custody, specifically, prevention efforts.
Web 2: Women’s Health Care in Correctional Settings
Description: The National Commission on Correctional Health Care provides position statements on various health issues facing women in correctional institutions.