The Enduring Democracy
Welcome to the SAGE edge site for The Enduring Democracy, Sixth Edition!
The Enduring Democracy examines the current state of American politics through the lenses of American history and the nation’s changing demographics. This two-pronged approach encourages students to place current issues and controversies into historical perspective, and to think critically about how those issues and controversies are impacted by America’s increasingly diverse population. By analyzing and understanding the influences of historical context and demographics, students can debate effectively with references, use historical outcomes to predict for the future, and create strong arguments based on what they know about fundamental changes in the political landscape. The highly anticipated Sixth Edition frames the 2016 general election and 2018 midterm elections from the perspective of what they mean to college students, so that they can see the relevance of American government in their daily lives.
This site features an array of free resources you can access anytime, anywhere.
We gratefully acknowledge Kenneth Dautrich, David A. Yalof, and Christina E. Bejarano for writing an excellent text. Special thanks are also due to Alicia Fernandez of California State University, Fullerton for developing the resources on this site.