Accessing your IEB


Did you know that An Introduction to Human Resource Management also comes with FREE 12-month access to an interactive eBook?

How it works

A unique code on the inside front cover of this book gives access to an online version of the text on VitalSource Bookshelf® and allows you to access the book from your computer, tablet, or smartphone. You can make notes and highlights which will automatically sync across all your devices.


Turn to the inside front cover of your textbook to find your redemption code. Your sticker will look like this one, and your redemption code will look a combination on numbers and letters for example: BKGV4NFD3U5DEVU5YX6Y.

For more information on the contents of your interactive eBook and how to access it, please read the FAQs below.

What is an interactive eBook?

An interactive eBook is a digital version of your textbook which allows you online access via the VitalSource ( platform on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Alternatively, you can access the interactive eBook offline through the Bookshelf app. Download the app here.

Your textbook is dotted with icons alerting you to different types of additional online resources. When using your interactive eBook simply click on the icons to take advantage of the extensive online resources.

Why is an interactive eBook useful?

Learn how you like across a range of devices – using the textbook, or by studying on your laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Hundreds of useful resources including videos, podcasts, web links and much more are carefully integrated into the body of each chapter, taking you to great case studies, ad campaigns, and real life examples from the world of marketing.

Interactive resources have been carefully chosen by the authors to help your marketing studies go further.

Additional resources are ideal for independent, self-study, and you can also make highlights and keep notes using your interactive eBook. It’s easy to sync all your notes and highlights across your different devices.

How can I access my interactive eBook from my laptop or computer?
To open your book in Bookshelf on your computer, please do the following:

  • If you do not have a Bookshelf account:
  • Once Bookshelf is installed, launch Bookshelf.
  • Click on the ‘Register for an Account’ link.
  • Fill out the form completely, and paste your code into the redemption code field.
  • Press the register button to create your account and redeem your code.
  • Your book will begin to download.
  • After the book has downloaded, click on ‘All Titles’ in the collection pane and double click on your book to open it.
  • If you have a Bookshelf account:
  • Launch Bookshelf.
  • Go to the Account Menu and Select Redeem Code.
  • Enter in your redemption code, and press the Redeem button
  • Your updated booklist will be downloaded to your computer; once downloaded your book will begin to download as well.
  • Once the eBook has been downloaded, click on ‘All Titles’ in the collection pane and double click on your book to open it.

How can I access my eBook from my tablet or mobile device?

To open your book in Bookshelf for iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch (iOS 3.2 or later), you first must have a Bookshelf account on your computer, and then do the following:

  • If you do not have Bookshelf for iOS:
  • Download VitalSource Bookshelf from the App store either through iTunes or through your iOS Device.
  • Launch Bookshelf for iOS.
  • Sign in with your Bookshelf account email address and password.
  • Your booklist will download to your iOS device.
  • Once your booklist downloads, you can click on your book to download it to your iOS device.
  • If your book has been downloaded to your computer, you can transfer it to your iOS device through iTunes. Detailed instructions are available here: (
  • Once your book has downloaded to your iOS device, click on it to open it.
  • If you have Bookshelf for iOS:
  • Launch Bookshelf for iOS.
  • Click on the Refresh icon in the upper-left corner of the screen.
  • Sign in with your Bookshelf account email address and password.
  • Your booklist will download to your iOS device.
  • Once the booklist downloads, click on the book to download it to your iOS device.
  • If your book has been downloaded to your computer, you can transfer it to your iOS device through iTunes. Detailed instructions are available here: (
  • Once the book has transferred to your iOS device, click on it to open it.

What does the interactive eBook look like?

Your interactive eBook will resize the online textbook to fit the screen you are working from. You can navigate the interactive eBook using the menu on the left, or you can hide the menu to view the interactive eBook full screen. Click or tap over the icons to open up the interactive resources.