
Quizzes are available to test your understanding of the key concepts covered in each chapter. Click on the quiz below to get started. 

1. The concept of globalisation can be understood as both

  1. process and outcome
  2. process and practice
  3. practice and policy
  4. outcome and output


a. process and outcome

2. Hofstee’s (2001) typology of cultural difference is constructed of the following variables –individualism, masculinity, time orientation, uncertainty avoidance and which other

  1. power distance
  2. power ratio
  3. femininity
  4. risk-taking


a. power distance

3. According to Hofstede, masculinity in the ‘Anglo’ cultural cluster is characterised as

  1. high 
  2. low
  3. moderate
  4. diverse



4. According to Hofstede, uncertainty avoidance in the ‘more developed Asian’ cultural cluster is characterised as

  1. low
  2. diverse
  3. high
  4. moderate


c. high

5. The approach to ethical decision-making which emphasises fundamental human rights rather than a concern for consequences is referred to as

  1. consequential
  2. deontological
  3. cultural relativism
  4. social justice

