Video and Multimedia

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.


Video 1: Race and Ethnicity

Description: A documentary on race and ethnicity from a sociological perspective created by researchers at the University of Washington.

Video 2: Noam Chomsky on The Left, Class, Racism, Xenophobia and the Right (6/8)

Description: In the interview conducted in Leiden, the Netherlands, in March 2011, Noam Chomsky discusses the history of racism, xenophobia in the United States, and the role politics play on both.

Video 3: Global Migration

Description: John Slocum, the director of Global Migration and Human Mobility at the MacArthur Foundation, discusses what migration is and the problems that arise due to the lack of international agreements on what rights migrants have. The video also provides a map of global migration and remittances first published in The Economist magazine.


Audio 1: 6 Words: ‘My Name is Jamaal … I’m White’

Description: Jamaal Allan, a white man, discusses his experience with having a name that causes many to assume he is a black male.