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Sensation and Perception
Second Edition
Bennett L. Schwartz
John H. Krantz
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Student Resources
Interactive Sensation Laboratory Exercises (ISLE)
What is Perception?
Learning Objectives
Sample ISLE Activities
ISLE Quizzing
ISLE 1.1: Sequence of Sensory Events
ISLE 1.2: Illustration of Action
ISLE 1.3: Bach's Violin Partita #2 in D Minor
ISLE 1.4: Column Taper Illusion
ISLE 1.5: Aristotle's Illusion
ISLE 1.6: Motion Aftereffect
ISLE 1.7: Fechner Colors and Behnam’s Top
ISLE 1.8: Kanizsa Triangle
ISLE 1.9: Optic Flow
ISLE 1.10: Kuffler and Single Cell Recording
ISLE 1.11: Size-Arrival Effect
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
Research Methodology
Learning Objectives
Sample ISLE Activities
ISLE Quizzing
ISLE 2.1: North Carolina Hot Sauce Contest Link
ISLE 2.2: Method of Limits
ISLE 2.3: Method of Constant Stimuli
ISLE 2.4: Method of Adjustment
ISLE 2.5: Point of Subjective Equality (PSE)
ISLE 2.6: Magnitude Estimation
ISLE 2.7: Stevens’s Power Law
ISLE 2.8: Forced-Choice
ISLE 2.9: Signal Detection Experiment
ISLE 2.10: Signal Detection Theory
ISLE 2.11: Signal Detection Theory and the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC curve)
ISLE 2.12: Masking Demonstration
ISLE 2.13: Seeing with Myopia and Presbyopia
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
Visual System: The Eye
Learning Objectives
Sample ISLE Activities
ISLE Quizzing
ISLE 3.1: The Basics of Waves
ISLE 3.2: Accommodation
ISLE 3.3: Presbyopia
ISLE 3.4: Letters and the Fovea
ISLE 3.5: Map Your Blind Spot
ISLE 3.6: Photopic vs Scotopic Vision
ISLE 3.7: Purkinje Shift
ISLE 3.8: Convergence
ISLE 3.9: Dark Adaptation Function
ISLE 3.10: Automatic Light Adjustment in Cockpits
ISLE 3.11 (a): Simulating Kuffler's Experiment
ISLE 3.11 (b): Center-Surround Receptive Fields as Contrast Detectors
ISLE 3.12: Mach Bands
ISLE 3.13: Correcting Myopia and Hyperopia
ISLE 3.14: Astigmatism
ISLE 3.15: Macular Degeneration and Retinitis Pigmentosa
ISLE 3.16: Compound Eyes
ISLE 3.17: Vision Prostheses
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
Visual System: The Brain
Learning Objectives
Sample ISLE Activities
ISLE Quizzing
ISLE 4.1: From the Eye to the LGN
ISLE 4.2: Simple Cells
ISLE 4.3: Complex Cells
ISLE 4.4: Hypercolumns
ISLE 4.5: Navigation in Blindsight
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
Object Perception
Learning Objectives
Sample ISLE Activities
ISLE Quizzing
ISLE 5.1: Segregation and Grouping
ISLE 5.2: Ambiguous Figure-Ground Perception
ISLE 5.3: Figure-Ground Symmetry
ISLE 5.4: Gestalt Laws
ISLE 5.5: Necker Cube
ISLE 5.6: Illusory Contours
ISLE 5.7: Geons
ISLE 5.8: Facial Responses in the Brain
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
Color Perception
Learning Objectives
Sample ISLE Activities
ISLE Quizzing
ISLE 6.1: Different Types of White Light
ISLE 6.2: Dimensions of Color
ISLE 6.3: Newton’s Prism Experiment
ISLE 6.4: Color Mixing
ISLE 6.5: Color Matching Experiment: Metameric Matches
ISLE 6.6: Trichromatic Theory and Cone Responses
ISLE 6.7: Univariance and Color Matching
ISLE 6.8: Color Aftereffect
ISLE 6.9: Simultaneous Color Contrast
ISLE 6.10: Hue Cancellation
ISLE 6.11: Single and Double-Opponent Cells
ISLE 6.12: Color Deficiency Tests
ISLE 6.13: Rod Monochromat Vision
ISLE 6.14: Dichromacy
ISLE 6.15: Illumination and Color Constancy
ISLE 6.16: Lightness Constancy
ISLE 6.17: Gelb Effect
ISLE 6.18: Color Camouflage and Dichromacy
ISLE 6.19: Fechner Colors and Behnam's Top
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
Depth and Size Perception
Learning Objectives
Sample ISLE Activities
ISLE Quizzing
ISLE 7.1: Depth Perception in Adanson's Jumping Spider
ISLE 7.2: Monocular Depth Cues
ISLE 7.3: Motion Depth Cues
ISLE 7.4: Accommodation
ISLE 7.5: Vergence
ISLE 7.6: Stereopsis
ISLE 7.7: Binocular Disparity
ISLE 7.8: The Construction of Visual Depth with Binocular Disparity
ISLE 7.9: Anaglyph Stereograms
ISLE 7.10: Random Dot Stereograms
ISLE 7.11: Retinal Image Size & Distance
ISLE 7.12: Muller-Lyer Illusion
ISLE 7.13: Ponzo Illusion
ISLE 7.14: Ames Room
ISLE 7.15: Moon Illusion
ISLE 7.16: Virtual Reality Photographs
ISLE 7.17: Virtual Reality and Therapy
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
Movement and Action
Learning Objectives
Sample ISLE Activities
ISLE Quizzing
ISLE 8.1: Relative Motion
ISLE 8.2: Time-Lapse Motion
ISLE 8.3: Motion Thresholds
ISLE 8.4: Apparent Motion
ISLE 8.5: Correspondence Problem in Motion (Wagon Wheel Effect)
ISLE 8.6: Induced Motion
ISLE 8.7: Reichardt Detectors
ISLE 8.8: Corollary Discharge
ISLE 8.9: Eye Movements
ISLE 8.10: Correlated Motion
ISLE 8.11: Motion Aftereffect
ISLE 8.12: Structure from Motion
ISLE 8.13: Biological Motion
ISLE 8.14: Cat and Laser Pointer
ISLE 8.15: Optic Flow
ISLE 8.16: Rotating Snakes
ISLE 8.17: Spiral Staircase
ISLE 8.18: Illusory Rotation
ISLE 8.19: The Furrow Illusion
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
Visual Attention
Learning Objectives
Sample ISLE Activities
ISLE Quizzing
ISLE 9.1: The Stroop Effect
ISLE 9.2: Scanning
ISLE 9.3: Spatial Cuing
ISLE 9.4: Inattentional Blindness Examples
ISLE 9.5: Stimulus Salience
ISLE 9.6: Feature vs. Conjunction Search
ISLE 9.7: Change Blindness
ISLE 9.9: Attentional Blink and Repetition Blindness
ISLE 9.10: Hemifield or Unilateral Neglect
ISLE 9.11: Bálint’s Syndrome
ISLE 9.12: Perceptual Bistability
ISLE 9.13: Navigation in Blindsight
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
The Auditory System
Learning Objectives
Sample ISLE Activities
ISLE Quizzing
ISLE 10.1: The Sound Stimulus
ISLE 10.2: The Speed of Sound and the Sonic Boom
ISLE 10.3: The Decibel Scale
ISLE 10.4: Frequency and Pitch on a Piano
ISLE 10.5: Frequency Response of the Ear
ISLE 10.6: Timbre and Musical Instruments
ISLE 10.7: Fourier Analysis in Audition
ISLE 10.8: Missing Fundamental
ISLE 10.9: Timbre and Overtones
ISLE 10.10: Phase and Cancellation
ISLE 10.11: The Middle Ear
ISLE 10.12: The Basilar Membrane and Sound Stimuli
ISLE 10.13: The Traveling Wave
ISLE 10.14: Place Code Theory
ISLE 10.15: The Basilar Membrane and Fourier Analysis
ISLE 10.16: Transduction and Hair Cells
ISLE 10.17: Temporal Code Theory
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
The Auditory Brain and Sound Localization
Learning Objectives
Sample ISLE Activities
ISLE Quizzing
ISLE 11.1: Sound Localization Experiment
ISLE 11.2: Interaural Time Differences
ISLE 11.3: Interaural Level Differences
ISLE 11.4: Auditory Scene Analysis
ISLE 11.5: Doppler Shift
ISLE 11.6: Architectural Space and Echoes
ISLE 11.7: Testing a Concert Hall
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
Speech Perception
Learning Objectives
Sample ISLE Activities
ISLE Quizzing
ISLE 12.1: Coarticulation
ISLE 12.2: Voicing Onset Time
ISLE 12.3: McGurk Effect
ISLE 12.4: Familiar vs. Unfamiliar Languages
ISLE 12.5: Phonemic Restoration Effect
ISLE 12.6: Genie
ISLE 12.7: Broca’s and Wernicke’s Aphasia
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
Music Perception
Learning Objectives
Sample ISLE Activities
ISLE Quizzing
ISLE 13.1: Kurdish Music Example
ISLE 13.2: Javanese Gamelan Music Example
ISLE 13.3: Ancient Greek Music
ISLE 13.4: 35,000 Year Old Flute
ISLE 13.5: Is This Music?
ISLE 13.6: The Octave and Tone Similarity
ISLE 13.7: Pentatonic Music Examples
ISLE 13.8: Meter and Beat
ISLE 13.9: Bolero Clip
ISLE 13.10: Attack and Decay
ISLE 13.11: Examples of Melody
ISLE 13.12: Types of Scales
ISLE 13.13: Gestalt Principles Review
ISLE 13.14: Bach’s Partita No. 3 in E major
ISLE 13.15: A Shave and a Haircut
ISLE 13.16: Cross Modal Matching as a Simulation of Synesthesia
ISLE 13.17: Indian Raga Music Example
ISLE 13.18: Bach Violin Partita #2
ISLE 13.19: Shepard Tones
ISLE 13.20: Octave Illusion
ISLE 13.21: Scale Illusion
ISLE 13.22: Tritone Paradox
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
Touch and Pain
Learning Objectives
Sample ISLE Activities
ISLE Quizzing
ISLE 14.1: Action of Mechanoreceptors
ISLE 14.2: Mechanoreceptors and Aristotle’s Illusion
ISLE 14.3: Heat Grille
ISLE 14.4: Somatosensory Pathways
ISLE 14.5: Melzack and Wall’s Gate Control Theory
ISLE 14.6: Professor Ramachandran and Phantom Limb Syndrome
ISLE 14.7: Treatment of Phantom Limb Pain
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
Olfaction and Taste
Learning Objectives
Sample ISLE Activities
ISLE Quizzing
ISLE 15.1: Brain Area for Olfactory Bulbs
ISLE 15.2: The Posterior Piriform Cortex
Video and Multimedia
SAGE Journal Articles
Video and Multimedia
Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.
A Virtual Arm That Talks with the Brain
Bright Lights, Big Headache: A Study Explains
David Eagleman: Can We Create New Senses for Humans?
Barry C Smith: We Have Far More Than Five Senses
Gestalt Illusion
Waterfall Illusion
The Artwork of Bev Doolittle
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