1. ______________ law would be used to prosecute a nurse who has been negligent.
Answer: Civil
2. ____________ law is used where someone has broken one or more laws of the country
Answer: Criminal
3. The NMC defines Fitness to Practise as ‘a person’s suitability to be on the register without ____________’
Answer: restrictions
4. Nurses must be able to account for their actions, __________ and decisions.
Answer: omissions
5. There is a memorandum of agreement between the police and the NMC, which allows the police to inform the NMC if a nurse has been convicted of a ___________ offence.
Answer: recordable
6. The _________ Test is used by Courts of Law in cases where negligence is alleged for the standard of care given.
Answer: Bolam
7. Responsibility refers to the acceptance of and carrying out a task within your sphere of _________.
Answer: competence
8. A nurse should assess your level of competence, knowledge and _________ before delegating a task or activity to you.
Answer: understanding
9. Aggressive, violent or threatening behaviour includes both physical and ________ intimidation and assault.
Answer: verbal
10. Both criminal convictions and ________ can give concern for a student’s fitness to practise.
Answer: cautions
11. A caution order by the NMC can last for between one to ___ years.
Answer: five
12. A condition of practice order by the NMC can last for up to _____ years.
Answer: three
13. A suspension order can be applied by the NMC for up to ____ year in the first instance.
Answer: one
14. If a nurse is struck off the NMC register they cannot ask to be readmitted for _____ years.
Answer: five
15. At the end of your programme the university has to confirm to the NMC that you are of good _________ and good _________.