Books and Journal Articles
Perceptions of professionalism among nursing faculty
Expert holistic nurses’ advice to nursing students
Male and Female Nursing Aplicants attitudes
NMC Social Networking site
Do as I say not as I do
Study Skills for Nurses
Nursing Student Anxiety
Learning style quiz
Bringing Theory to Practice
Hand Hygiene decision making
Elearning in nursing and health education
Database searching tools
Managing your writing Environment
Principles at the root of ethical debate
The Mental Capacity Act (2005)
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Dillion v Greater Glasgow Health Board
Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee[1957]
Blyth v Proprietors of the Birmingham Waterworks [1856]
Hillingdon London Borough Council v Neary [2011]
North Glamorgan NHS Trust v Walters
Annual Fitness to Practice Report
NMC Guidelines on Social Networking
Accountability in Nursing
Health and Social Care Act
Equity and Excellence
The Foresight Report
The Boorman Report
DoH Interactive Diagram
Healthcare leadership framework
Healthcare leadership model
Quality improvement made simple
Institute for Innovation and Improvement
Annual Report and Accounts of the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2008 – 2009
The new NHS: Modern Depedable
Diabetes and driving
The New NHS
NMC Professional Conduct
NMC Guidance
Reification and compassion in medicine
Five good communication standards RCSLT
Valuing People
Personal communication passports
Dis-DAT Assessment Tool
Hospital Leaflets
The Power and Possiblity of Listening
NMC Record keeping guidance
Using Electronic Patient Records
Intellectual Disabilities
Francis Report
Effectiveness of strategies education patients
Automated Blood Pressure Management
Measuring Capillary refill time
Measuring SP02
Blood Glucose Monitoring
McGill Pain Questionniare
Wong Saker faces in pain scale
Acute Pain Analgesics
Pain Ladder
Common Analgesics
Collecting specimens : Faeces, Urine, and Sputum
Pressure related injuries
Best Practice for Patients with Venous Leg Ulcer
EPUAP Guidelines (2009)
St John Ambulance First Aid
TILEE Catagories
The Boorman Review
Resuscitation guidelines
Essential Numeracy Requirments for nurses
Making Meals Matter
Food culture and religion
Caring for Stoma
Common steps for all Nutrition Related skills
Peripheral Venous cannula care
Assisting a patient with a wash
Trimming nails
Washing a patients hair in bed
Family involvement in Care
Patient Hygiene
An alternative guide to the new NHS is England
Health and Social Care Act 2012: Fact Sheet
The Report of the UK Modernising Learning Disabilities
NHS and Community Care Act
The Marmot Review
Buck: How Healthy Are We?
Public Health England
Inequalities in Health Report
Nursing Teamwork and Unit Size
Action Against Abuse
Caring for a Stoma
Seeing Beauty for a change
The relevance of psychology and sociology for nursing
Nice 2014
NHS Interactive Timeline
Back to the Community
History of nursing and midwifery regulation
Mental health history
History of Nursing and Midwifery
Explanation of the 2012 Health and Social Care Act
The Francis Report
Caring for someone having a Seizuer
Sunrise Enabler