Essentials of Nursing Practice
Student Resources
Chapter 13
1. Being able to deliver care with that special extra ingredient which makes it easier to accept is fundamentally important. What is the special extra ingredient?
Answer :That special extra ingredient is being compassionate and caring, delivering dignified care which is person-centred care and values-based.
2. The essence of nursing is not in completing a series of tasks, but in delivering care with ______.
Answer : humanity
3. The NMC Code (2008) and the NMC Guidance on Professional Conduct for Nursing and Midwifery students (2009) identify ______ , _______ and _______ as fundamental in all aspects of nursing practice.
Answer: care, compassion, dignity
4. The Francis Report (2013) considers occasions of when patients were not treated with the _________ they deserved, along with a number of other serious failings.
Answer: compassion
5. What ethical principle is compassion derived from?
Answer: beneficence
6. Healthcare professionals worldwide agree that promoting patient _______ is a fundamental element of their practice.
Answer: dignity
7. Person-centred care respects and values the _________ of every individual and seeks to maintain their __________.
Answer: uniqueness, personhood
8. Our values and beliefs shape our attitudes, which is shown by the way we _________, feel and _______.
Answer : think, behave
9. Why is it important to remember that your values may not be the same as the patient’s?
Answer: Inflicting your values upon a patient may be seen by them as judgemental and unprofessional (NMC 2008), resulting in a negative effect upon the care they receive from you.
10. How can spirituality be viewed?
Answer: Spirituality can be viewed as an integral aspect of everyday life which can be relevant to all individuals.
11. We must take care to always remember that each individual will have their ______, ________ view of spirituality.
Answer: own, unique
12. How can you work in a spiritual way when delivering care to patients?
Answer: In effect it is about being caring, genuine and open in your communication with patients, offering them the opportunity to discuss any issues they feel are relevant and responding appropriately.
13. As a nursing student your role is to ensure that at any time you feel the care you have seen is not ‘right’, not upholding the values of compassion, caring and dignity for example, that you ________ _______
Answer: speak out.
14. Care which does not uphold the fundamental nursing values of compassion and dignity is _____ acceptable.
Answer: never
15. How do patients wish to be treated?
Answer: As unique individuals with a range of life experiences – not just as someone needing a bath.