Essential Clinical Skills for Nurses

Essential Clinical Skills for Nurses: Step by Step

“This book is an essential guide to clinical skills not only for 1st year students, but as a reference guide to any nursing student.” Lucy Burns, Year 1 Adult Nursing Student, University of Western Scotland

"When I have to do a certain skill, and am not sure what is the correct way, this book reassures me of how to go about it in the right way" –Frances Young, 3rd year Adult Nursing Student, Kingston

  • Quick clinical skills revision for placements and exams

This little book will help you revise the basic clinical skills you will need as a new nursing student or junior health care practitioner. The easy to navigate design and step-by-step approach will help you quickly find the information you need while in practice and when revising for clinical skills exams.

  • Essential equipment tick lists help you check you have everything you need before you start.
  • Patient considerations ensure you are providing the best care possible.
  • All fields of nursing are covered with tips throughout on differences for each patient group.
  • Highlights different approaches to clinical skills in community and acute settings to help you feel confident performing the skill in any situation.



For undergraduate nursing students, assistant practitioners and those on foundation, access or introduction to nursing courses.

Find out more about Essential Clinical Skills for Nurses.