The following questions have been authored by Orla McAlinden.
1. Complete the following :
S= situation
B= background
A= assessment
Answer: recommendation
2. A model is a _________
Answer: Framework
3. What is missing from the Core Concepts below?
C. ______?
Answer: Health
4. Models need to be used with tools but neither of these will guarantee or create _________ in nursing care
Answer: Excellence
5. Understanding the philosophy and ________ of nursing will help you to understand the actions you need to undertake to ensure excellence in nursing care
Answer: Theory
6. Reflection is an Activity of Daily Living ? True or False?
Answer: False
7. A definition of health was famously given in 1946 by _________ ?
Answer: W.H.O.
8. ________ care is consideration about physical, social, emotional, economic and spiritual needs
Answer: Holistic
9. Probably the best recognised Model of Nursing in the UK is ________
Answer: Roper Tierney and Logan
10.The best nursing care moves from a _______ viewpoint to a holistic viewpoint
Answer: Medical
11. The use of Models and Theories include not just the patient but also their ______
Answer: Family
12. The context of care is important. This means consideration of the patient at home as well as in a ________ setting
Answer: Hospital
13. Real life _________ can help illustrate the benefits of effective use of models , theories and assessment Tools
Answer: Case-studies
14. The __________ in which nursing takes place can influence what and where the care may be
Answer: Environment
15. Models and processes can be used in all ______ of nursing