Essentials of Nursing Practice
Edited by: Catherine Delves-Yates
Student Resources
Learning objectives
Chapter 1
- What is nursing and what is a nurse?
- A very brief history of nursing
- An Introduction to the fields of nursing practice
- Professionalism and nursing
- The attributes of good nursing
Chapter 2
- Studying for a nursing degree
- NMC standards and ESCs
- Learning about all fields of nursing
- What is expected of you as an independent and professional learner
- Learning in a placement
- The challenges you might meet
Chapter 3
- The relationship between theory and practice
- An introduction to evidence-based practice
- Reflection
- The relationship between reflection and evidence-based practice
- Strategies for finding and judging the quality of evidence
- The importance of correctly citing sources of evidence
Chapter 4
- Academic writing
- Assessment skills
- Academic support
Chapter 5
- What do we mean by ethics?
- The importance of values
- Ethical theories
- Ethical principles
- Ethical decision-making
Chapter 6
- Understanding negligence
- Court cases
- The law and providing healthcare
- Confidentiality
Chapter 7
- An overview of accountability
- The importance of professionalism in nursing
- Fitness to practise
Chapter 8
- What is professional resilience?
- Professional requirements for good health
- Psychological concepts for resilience
Chapter 9
- The changing NHS structure and systems
- Being a leader as a nursing student
- A leadership model for nursing students
- Spreading innovation
Chapter 10
- Quality in health and social care settings
- Why quality monitoring is important
- A definition of clinical governance
- An overview of the seven pillars of clinical governance
- The role of the nursing student in ensuring quality care
Chapter 11
- What makes good care and what makes care good?
- ••How you can apply quality care initiatives within your practice
- ••The role of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) in making care good
- ••When care is not good
Chapter 12
- A toolbox for nursing
- Nursing theory – how models for nursing practice are constructed
- Using nursing philosophy in the care you deliver
Section content
Chapter 13
- What is value-based, person-centred care?
- Compassion
- Caring
- Dignity
- Person-centred care
- Spirituality
- What to do if care is not value-based or person-centred
Chapter 14
- What it means to be a patient
- Types of carers
- How can healthcare professionals help?
- Planning care collaboratively
Chapter 15
- The role of APIE
- Assessment
- Planning
- Implementation
- Evaluation
Chapter 16
- Why communication is so important
- Verbal and non-verbal communication
- Self-awareness
- Communicating with children
- Communicating with non-English speakers
Chapter 17
- Communication challenges in nursing
- Handling challenging situations
- Support for you
Chapter 18
- Risk assessment and management in nursing
- Risk assessment
- The skills needed to effectively manage risk
- Risk management
Chapter 19
- What is record-keeping?
- Legal and professional issues related to record-keeping
- Ensuring you keep satisfactory records
- Consequences of poor record-keeping
- The role of the nursing student in record-keeping
Chapter 20
- Clinical decision-making
- Types of decisions
- How nurses make sound decisions
- The decision-making process
- The role of patients
Chapter 21
- Nurses’ role in health promotion
- Defining health
- Inequalities in health
- Promoting health in nursing practice
- Nurses as role models
Chapter 22
- What do we mean by the term ‘safeguarding’?
- Safeguarding adults
- Safeguarding children
- The legal framework
- Abuse
- The safeguarding role of nurses
Chapter 23
- Why patient education is important
- What is patient education?
- Behaviour change and goal-setting
- Understanding the nurse’s role in sourcing and sharing information
Chapter 24
- Infection prevention and control and standard precautions
- The importance of hand hygiene
- Standard precautions and gloves
- Your responsibilities as a waste producer
- Management of used linen
Chapter 25
- Fundamental skills in the care of all patients
- Respiratory rate
- Pulse rate
- Blood pressure
- Capillary refill time
- Temperature
- Early warning scoring systems
- Urine output
- Blood glucose
- Weight
Chapter 26
- An understanding of types of pain
- Assessment of pain
- Managing pain
Chapter 27
- Asepsis and aseptic technique
- Asepsis and your practice
- Specimen collection
Chapter 28
- The skin
- Caring for a patient with a wound
- Pressure ulcers
- Leg ulcers
- Diabetic foot ulcers
- Surgical wounds
- Traumatic wounds
- Wound assessment and management
Chapter 29
- The principles of safe patient moving and handling
- Remaining healthy
- Efficient movement principles
Chapter 30
- The priorities of first aid
- The ABCDE of resuscitation
- Medical emergencies
Chapter 31
- Medicines optimization and holistic person-centred care
- Administering medicines
- Calculating the right dose
Chapter 32
- Malnutrition in the UK
- Nutritional screening and assessment
- Care planning
- Providing assistance and support
- Adjuncts assisting a patient’s nutritional intake
Chapter 33
- Assisting patients with their elimination needs
- Assessing bowel functioning
- Bedpans, urinals and commodes
- Use of incontinence pads
- Caring for a patient with a urinary catheter
- Urinalysis
Chapter 34
- Hygiene and person-centred care
- Your role as a nurse in assisting a patient with their hygiene needs
- Bed-bathing
- Shaving
- Oral care
- Washing and trimming nails
Chapter 35
- Cultural and spiritual considerations
- Performing Last Offices
- Following Last Offices
- Psychological care
- Caring for yourself
Chapter 36
- A brief overview of the development of the NHS
- Primary, secondary and tertiary care
- The organization and delivery of healthcare in the UK
- Challenges facing the UK healthcare system
- A patient’s journey through an experience of care
Chapter 37
- What is public health?
- Why public health is important
- Inequalities in health
- Public health policy
- Public health practice in nursing
Chapter 38
- Understanding the importance of interprofessional and multi-professional working
- Working as an individual and working in partnership with others
- Benefits and challenges of interprofessional working
Chapter 39
- Why psychology is applicable to nursing
- Understanding psychology and psychological approaches
- Psychology and the patient
- The psychological impact of attitude
Chapter 40
- What is sociology and why should we study it?
- Understanding key sociological perspectives – family, poverty, disability and stigma
Chapter 41
- Health policy, politics and the political context of nursing
- The impact of health policy devolution in the UK
- UK health policy themes
Chapter 42
- The global role of the nurse
- Differences and similarities in healthcare systems and patients’ health beliefs across countries and cultures
- The importance of cultural competence in nursing care
- International placements and learning opportunities