SAGE Journal Articles
Abstract: More than a decade ago, Perry and Wise popularized the concept of public service motivation. Yet today, still little is known about public employees with high levels of public service motivation. This study sought to fill this gap in the literature by investigating the relationship that exists between public service motivation and the personal characteristics, management level, and monetary preferences of public employees. The findings reveal that public service motivation is significantly related to the gender, education level, management level, and monetary preferences of public employees. The implications of this study and areas of future research are discussed.
Journal Article 2 Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (2006). New Directions in Goal-Setting Theory. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 15(5), 265-268.
Abstract: Goal-setting theory is summarized regarding the effectiveness of specific, difficult goals; the relationship of goals to affect; the mediators of goal effects; the relation of goals to self-efficacy; the moderators of goal effects; and the generality of goal effects across people, tasks, countries, time spans, experimental designs, goal sources (i.e., self-set, set jointly with others, or assigned), and dependent variables. Recent studies concerned with goal choice and the factors that influence it, the function of learning goals, the effect of goal framing, goals and affect (well-being), group goal setting, goals and traits, macro-level goal setting, and conscious versus subconscious goals are described. Suggestions are given for future research.
Abstract: For nearly three decades, traditional public sector management practices have been challenged by proponents of the new public management (NPM). Public human resource management (PHRM) is frequently a target of such reform efforts given the crucial role it plays in the public management function. Traditional civil service systems, based on merit and neutral competence, have frequently been criticized for their intractability, inefficiency, and ineffectiveness. The recent trend of eliminating tenure for public employees through employment at-will (EAW) policies has received considerable attention as a mechanism for improving public sector efficiency. However, recent scholarship suggests that EAW policies have a number of obstacles to overcome. Using a 2005 survey of human resource professionals in the state of Georgia, this article assesses the impact of the EAW environment on public employee motivation. The analysis suggests that EAW policies have a significant negative impact on motivation in the workplace, particularly for minorities. The findings illustrate additional hurdles that decision makers should consider when implementing EAW systems in the public sector.
Abstract: Public service motivation (PSM) is a needs-based approach to motivation. People may sate this need in different ways, including direct government service. This article investigates the relationship between individuals’ PSM and their work sector (pubic, nonprofit, or for-profit) preferences. It asks, “Does PSM affect an individual’s preference for the sector of the economy in which they would ideally be employed?” Our findings indicate that PSM, measured in dimensional form, is a moderate indicator of an individual’s sector preference: as PSM increases (particularly, the Self-Sacrifice dimension), the attractiveness of working in the public and nonprofit sector, relative to the for-profit sector, also increases. Focusing on a preservice sample of undergraduate students allows us to conclude that PSM is a need people have prior to entering the workplace, and it may indeed drive whether an individual works in the government, nonprofit, or for-profit sector.