SAGE Journal Articles
Journal Article 1 Lau, A. W., & Pavett, C. M. (1980). The Nature of Managerial Work: A Comparison of Public- and Private-Sector Managers. Group & Organization Studies, 5(4), 453-466.
Abstract: Little empirical information is available on the nature of managerial work. Such information is needed, not only for training and development programs but also for managerial selection, appraisal, and utilization. The purpose of this study was to compare high level managerial jobs in public and private sectors by examining job content, job characteristics, and required skills, knowledge, and abilities. Mintzberg's (1973, 1975) roles were used for the comparisons. Data were gathered from 210 public-sector and 220 private-sector managers and executives. Results indicate that managers in the public sector perform the same kind of activities as managers in the private sector in terms of complexity of job content and roles and in terms of job characteristics. The study has action implications for the selection, development, and appraisal systems of both public- and private-sector executives.
Journal Article 2 Vernon, S. (1999). Learning to Be an Effective Team Member. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 1(3), 33-41.
Abstract: The Problem and the Solution. People in organizations are increasingly being asked to work in teams. It is often assumed that they can informally learn the competencies they need to be effective at working and learning in groups, but experience suggests that this is not the case. This chapter identifies structured on-the-job training as the most effective formal strategy for becoming an effective team member. It also identifies facilitators of team building and barriers to it and explores implications for practice.
Journal Article 3 Newton, R. R. (1980). Theory X? Theory Y? You May Be Theory N. NASSP Bulletin, 64(440), 64-66.
Abstract: Theory X and Theory Y--well-known to personnel managers in all fields--do not translate well into practice, says this writer. He proposes what he believes is a more practical alternative.
Abstract: In this article, we aim to portray the state of the art in public sector leadership in order to recommend directions for research and training practice. To this end, we review the scattered strands of literature on public sector leadership (PSL) and classify them in a single framework. The results of the study suggest that public sector leadership is emerging as a distinctive and autonomous domain in public administration/public management studies, although the debate is still underdeveloped compared to business administration studies. Leadership skills truly do matter in improving the performance of public sector organizations, and it is highly likely that the optimum leadership style is an integrated one: Public sector leaders should behave mainly as transformational leaders, moderately leveraging transactional relationships with their followers and heavily leveraging the importance of preserving integrity and ethics in the fulfillment of tasks.
Points for practitioners
This study on public leadership suggests that administrative leaders in the public sector behave differently from their counterparts in the business world, and as a result there is a great need for leadership development programs which focus on these differences instead of merely mimicking programs designed for leaders in the private sector.