SAGE Journal Articles
Journal Article 1 Dossey, B. M. (2010). Florence Nightingale: Her Personality Type. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 28(1), 57-67.
Abstract: This article casts new and refreshing light on Florence Nightingale’s life and work by examining her personality type. Using the theory-based Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the author examines Nightingale’s personality type and reveals that she was an introverted-intuitive-thinking-judging type. The merit of using the MBTI is that it allows us to more clearly understand three major areas of Nightingale’s life that have been partially unacknowledged or misunderstood: her spiritual development as a practicing mystic, her management of her chronic illness to maintain her prodigious work output, and her chosen strategies to transform her visionary ideas into new health care and social realities.
Journal Article 2 Vazire, S., & Carlson, E. N. (2011). Others Sometimes Know Us Better Than We Know Ourselves. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20(2), 104-108.
Abstract: Most people believe that they know themselves better than anyone else knows them. However, a complete picture of what a person is like requires both the person’s own perspective and the perspective of others who know him or her well. People’s perceptions of their own personalities, while largely accurate, contain important omissions. Some of these blind spots are likely due to a simple lack of information, whereas others are due to motivated distortions in our self-perceptions. Perhaps for these reasons, others can perceive some aspects of personality better than the self can. This is especially true for traits that are very desirable or undesirable, when motivational factors are most likely to distort self-perceptions. Therefore, much can be learned about a person’s personality from how he or she is seen by others. Future research should examine how people can tap into others' knowledge to improve self-knowledge.
Journal Article 3 Barth, T. J. (1993). Career Anchor Theory. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 13(4), 27-42.
Abstract: Despite the growing concern over recruiting and retaining the "best and the brightest" in government, the evidence suggests there is very little structured career management activity at either the individual or agency level in the federal government. This article suggests that one of the reasons for this is a lack of accepted conceptual frameworks for understanding career motivation. Schein's classic career anchor theory is examined as a potential source of such a framework, and implications for a career management strategy in the federal government are discussed.
Journal Article 4 Sackett, P. R., & Walmsley, P. T. (2014). Which Personality Attributes Are Most Important in the Workplace? Perspectives on Psychological Science, 9(5), 538-551.
Abstract: Employees face a variety of work demands that place a premium on personal attributes, such as the degree to which they can be depended on to work independently, deal with stress, and interact positively with coworkers and customers. We examine evidence for the importance of these personality attributes using research strategies intended to answer three fundamental questions, including (a) how well does employees’ standing on these attributes predict job performance?, (b) what types of attributes do employers seek to evaluate in interviews when considering applicants?, and (c) what types of attributes are rated as important for performance in a broad sampling of occupations across the U.S. economy? We summarize and integrate results from these three strategies using the Big Five personality dimensions as our organizing framework. Our findings indicate that personal attributes related to Conscientiousness and Agreeableness are important for success across many jobs, spanning across low to high levels of job complexity, training, and experience necessary to qualify for employment. The strategies lead to differing conclusions about the relative importance of Emotional Stability and Extraversion. We note implications for job seekers, for interventions aimed at changing standing on these attributes, and for employers.
Journal Article 5 Chauhan, S. P., & Chauhan, D. (2001). Are You Aware How Your Personality Type Affects Your Behaviour? Global Business Review, 2(2), 289-304.
Abstract: Understanding how others function is the first step towards having good interpersonal relations in the work environment. Organizations consist of people who differ from one another in almost every dimension possible. Diversity certainly is a challenge that is here to stay. To manage the diversity it is of utmost important to understand personality and related behaviour. Equally important is to understand one's own personality type. A study of personality type becomes relevant when we find that an individual's functioning is affected by how he relates to the world (extrovert or introvert), how he processes information (intuition or sensing), evaluates the environment (judging or perceiving) and finally makes decisions (thinking or feeling). In the present article, an attempt has been made to understand personality types and the relationship of different personality types with role efficacy. It was found that the majority of the respondents belonged to the ESTJ (Extroverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging) personality type. Between introversion and extroversion, majority of the managers were found to be extroverts. An important finding of the study was a positive relationship between the ESTJ, types of personality with role efficacy and negative relationship of introversion, intuitive ness, feeling and perceiving with role efficacy. Further, an attempt has been made to address some of the issues associated with personality types and job-fit.
Journal Article 6 Townley, B. (1995). ‘Know Thyself’: Self-Awareness, Self-Formation and Managing. Organization, 2(2), 271-289.
Abstract: In this paper, I argue that self-knowledge is an important dimension of our understanding of management as a practice. Using the work of Foucault, I trace a distinction between self-awareness and self-formation. I argue that contemporary mechanisms of self-knowledge available in management education and development are premised on self-awareness and that this sustains a broader discourse of management as the interpretation and satisfaction of needs. This discourse is inherently hierarchical. I argue that revisiting the concept of self-formation allows for the articulation of an understanding of managing and organizing based on the concept of rights.