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Sean Aday, Steven Livingston, and Maeve Hebert analyze the objectivity of several broadcast news organizations in their reporting of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Amy Fried evaluates contextual reporting of terrorism in print media. News magazine photographic coverage of the “war on terrorism” in Afghanistan and Iraq is assessed in Michael Griffin’s article. Sarah Harris analyses two cases of “digital activism” in Turkey and the suppression of such activism through “networked erasure.” Lee, Hongtao, and Lee examine how two of the most preeminent U.S. newspapers--New York Times and Washington Post--editorially invoked Tiananmen as a "news icon" in the past twenty years. The public relations strategies of the Pentagon and extremists are discussed and compared by Eric Louw. Frank Möller discusses the importance of visual imagery in the post-9/11 era. Describing an interesting perspective on the media, Kirsten Morgensen argues that television coverage of terrorist attacks is a specific genre of journalism. In their article discussing communication and the terrorist threat, Mythen and Walk critique media and government assessments and distortions of the threat. Sancho presents an analysis of the role of new media technologies in the mobilization of international global justice networks. Michelle Slone reports research on differential stress responses to terrorism reporting by the public in Israel. In a polemical article, Philip Taylor argues that the West can win the “propaganda war” against terrorism. Wolfsfeld, et. al. explore how different journalistic routines theoretically lead to the reportage of ethnocentric news. Joshua Woods analyzes press coverage of terrorism during an eight-year period spanning the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Aday, Sean. Steven Livingston, and Maeve Hebert. “Embedding the Truth: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Objectivity and Television Coverage of the Iraq War.” In The Harvard Journal of Press/Politics, 10:1 (Winter 2005).
Fried, Amy. “Terrorism as a Context of Coverage Before the Iraq War.” In The Harvard Journal of Press/Politics, 10:3 (Summer 2005).
Griffin, Michael. “Picturing America’s ‘War on Terrorism’ in Afghanistan and Iraq: Photographing Motifs as News Frames.” In Journalism, 5:4 (2004).
Lee, Chin-Chuan, Li Hongtao Li, and Francis Lee. “Symbolic Use of Decisive Events: Tiananmen as a News Icon in the Editorials of the Elite U.S. Press.” In International Journal of Press/Politics, vol. 16 (July 2011).
Louw, Eric P. “The ‘War Against Terrorism’: A Public Relations Challenge for the Pentagon.” In Gazette: The International Journal for Communications Studies. 63:3 (2003).
Möller, Frank. “Photographic Interventions in Post-9/11 Security Policy.” In Security Dialogue, 38:2 (2007).
Morgensen, Kirsten. “Television Journalism During Terror Attacks.” Media, War & Conflict, vol. 1 (April 2008).
Mythen, Gabe and Sandra Walklate. “Communicating the Terrorist Risk: Harnessing a Culture of Fear?” In Crime, Media, Culture, 2:2 (2006).
Sancho, Guiomar Rovira. “Networks, Insurgencies, and Prefigurative Poliitics: A Cycle of Global Indignation.” In Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 20:3 (2014).
Slone, Michelle. “Responses to Media Coverage of Terrorism.” In Journal of Conflict Resolution, 44:4 (August 2000).
Taylor, Philip M. “Can the Information War on Terror Be Won?” In Media, War & Conflict, vol 1. (April 2008).
Wolfsfeld, Gadi, Paul Frosh, and Maurice T. Awabdy. “Covering Death in Conflicts: Coverage of the Second Intifada on Israeli and Palestinian Television.” In Journal of Peace Research, vol. 45 (May 2008).
Woods, Joshua. “What We Talk About When We Talk About Terrorism: Elite Press Coverage of Terrorism Risk from 1997 to 2005.” In The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 12:3 (Summer 2007).