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Bunn and Wier evaluate the important question of the feasibility of nuclear weapon construction by terrorists. Charles Curtis addresses the question of whether demand for WMDs can be reduced. Karen Douglas, et. al. investigated online self-enhancement strategies by White supremacist groups. Similarly, Margaret Duffy presents an analysis of the online activities of American hate groups, as does Brian Levin in his article. Iqbal and Zorn examine the political consequences of assassinations of heads of state. Continuing the thread of discussion on nuclear terrorism, Simon Saradzhyan offers a case study of potential nuclear terrorism in Russia, and in her article Lynne Snowden explores the potentiality that violent extremists will attempt to develop or otherwise obtain nuclear weapons. Micah Zenko presents an historical review of intelligence estimates of nuclear terrorism.
Bunn, Matthew and Anthony Wier. “Terrorist Nuclear Weapon Construction: How Difficult?” In The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 607 (September 2006).
Curtis, Charles B. “Curbing the Demand for Mass Destruction.” In The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 607 (September 2006).
Douglas, Karen M., Craig McGarty, Ana-Maria Bliuc, and Girish Lala. “Understanding Cyberhate: Social Competition and Social Creativity in Online White Supremacist Groups.” In Social Science Computer Review, 23:1 (Spring 2005).
Duffy, Margaret E. “Web of Hate: A Fantasy Theme Analysis of the Rhetorical Vision of Hate Groups Online.” In Journal of Communication Inquiry, 27:3 (July 2003).
Iqbal, Zaryab and Christopher Zorn. “The Political Consequences of Assassination.” In Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol. 52 (June 2008).
Levin, Brian. “Cyberhate: A Legal and Historical Analysis of Extremists’ Use of Computer Networks in America.” In American Behavioral Scientist, 45:6 (February 2002).
Saradzhyan, Simon. “Russia: Grasping the Reality of Nuclear Terror.” In The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 607 (September 2006).
Snowden, Lynne L. “How Likely are Terrorists to Use a Nuclear Strategy?” In American Behavioral Scientist, 46:6 (February 2003).
Zenko, Micah. “Intelligence Estimates of Nuclear Terrorism.” In The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 607 (September 2006).