Video and Multimedia
Video Clips
Description: A researcher describes future applications of big data.
2. Why Smart Statistics Are the Key to Fighting Crime
Description: The former Attorney General of New Jersey details how she and her team used data to improve the functioning of the state’s criminal justice system.
Audio Clips
1. Analyzing the Language of Suicide Notes to Help Save Lives
Description: A content analysis of 1,300 suicide notes reveals important risk factors that may help to prevent future suicides.
2. How Data Analysis Is Driving Policing
Los Angeles Police Department Officers describe how they are using data analysis, including crime mapping software, to more effectively respond to crime.
1. United States Census Bureau
The United States Census offers data that is relevant to many research questions in criminology, including crime mapping.
2. Justice Technology Information Center
The Justice Technology Information Center’s website features information on how technological advancements can improve the criminal justice response.