Video and Multimedia

Video Clips

1. Being Muslim in the U.S.

Description: Using surveys and interviews, Pew Center researchers examine attitudes and beliefs of Muslim Americans.

2. Developing Mixed Methods Research With Dr. John W. Creswell

Description: A researcher describes how he uses a mixed methods design in his study of video games.

Audio Clips

1. More Than Half of Transgender Teachers Surveyed Tell NPR They Are Harassed at Work

Description: Based on data derived from online surveys and follow-up interviews, over half of teachers who identify as transgender or who are gender non-confirming report workplace harassment.

2. With Suicide Rates on the Rise, Mental Health Advocates Search for Prevention Answers

Description: The results of a meta-analysis of 365 research articles on suicide indicate a paucity of predictive patterns.


1. The Sentencing Project

Description: Often using mixed method research designs, The Sentencing Project collects data and publishes reports on criminal justice policy.

2. Campbell Collaboration

Description: The Campbell Collaboration is an international research agency that specializes on examining issues in the criminal justice system.