Answers to In-Text Questions

  1. Teleworking

  2. An informal communication network is established through the social interactions that occur among coworkers.

  3. intensity, repetitiveness, duration, perceived power disparity

  4. Symbolic, role, interactive, and contextual

  5. Values are the strategies, goals, and philosophies that act as guidelines for work behavior, whereas assumptions are the taken-for-granted beliefs, perceptions, and feelings that members hold about themselves, their relationships with coworkers, and the workplace itself.

  6. Workplace socialization

  7. A memorable message is a short and simple yet serious statement uttered by a superior and tar­geted toward a particular subordinate that is intended to reinforce appropriate work behavior and conduct.

  8. lateral

  9. the same hierarchical level; no formal authority over each other

  10. superiors and subordinates; collegial peers; special peers