Learning Objectives


1. Explain the differences between hearing and listening.

There is an important difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is the biological process of the ears and brain receiving sound waves. Listening is a much more active process that involves assigning meaning and responding to messages.


2. Identify common problems associated with listening.

Common listening problems include situational distractions, source distractions, medium distractions, failure to focus on the message, bias, judging too soon, and listening anxiety. Understanding these problems and successfully avoiding them can help you become a better listener.


3. Discuss why listening is an important skill to acquire.

Listening is an important skill to master. Because it is such a routine part of our day, we often take listening for granted. However, acquiring the ability to listen well may benefit your relationships, impact on the community, media awareness, and job prospects.


4. Compare and contrast different types of listening and what they are used for in a variety of contexts.

There are five basic types of listening: discriminative listening, critical listening, comprehensive listening, appreciative listening, and empathic listening. Knowing your listening goals can help you determine which type of listening you need to be engaging.


5. List the steps to become a better listener.

The steps to becoming a better listener include hearing, understanding, remembering, interpreting, evaluating, and responding. You can easily remember these steps by remembering the acronym HURIER.