Answers to In-Text Questions

  1. Hearing is the biological process of the ears and brain receiving sound waves. Listening is a much more active process that involves assigning meaning and responding to messages.

  2. Distractions

  3. Listening biases are assumptions or attitudes about a person, an issue, or a topic that are brought into the interaction. Biases are a major barrier to effective listening, and it is best to limit them in order to be a more effective listener.

  4. “Judging too soon” is a barrier to effective listening in which the listener reaches a conclusion or evaluation prior to hearing all of the information being shared.

  5. Listening anxiety occurs when a listener has fear or apprehension that triggers the inability to process and interpret the messages sent by others.

  6. Critical

  7. Comprehensive

  8. Empathic

  9. Hearing, Understanding, Remembering, Interpreting, Evaluating, Responding