Answers to In-Text Questions

  1. Nonverbal communication is all the ways we communicate without using words.

  2. Kinesics is the study of body movement including both posture and gestures. It’s been long known that kinesics provides important information to others.

  3. Physical attractiveness

  4. neutralization

  5. Masking

  6. First, there are functional/professional touches, which serve a specific purpose. These touches nor­mally take place within the context of a professional relationship and are low in intimacy. An exam­ple would be a doctor giving a patient a physical exam. Second, there are social/polite touches. Touches like these are connected to cultural norms, such as handshakes. Once again there is rela­tively low intimacy within a relationship. Then there are friendship/warmth touches, which people use to show their platonic affection and support toward each other. Hugs and kisses on the cheek might be exchanged between two close friends, for example. Love/intimacy touches, on the other hand, are highly personal and intimate. People communicate strong feelings of affection toward each other with these kinds of touches. In this case, hugs may last longer, and kisses may be on the lips, leading to sexual arousal. These touches are extremely intimate.

  7. somatyping

  8. Nonverbal immediacy

  9. The study of nonverbal communication is especially important to convergence in the Communication Age. People are now using new media and the latest technology to replace non­verbal messages seen in face-to-face encounters, forcing new kinds of communal bonds and defi­nitions of place. No longer do people need to only meet face to face to send nonverbal messages. How you come across through computer-mediated communication is very similar to how you meet people face to face.