SAGE Journal Articles

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Article 1
Ramirez-Valles, J., Kuhns, L. M., Campbell, R. T., & Diaz, R. M.(2010). Social integration and health: Community involvement, stigmatized identities, and sexual risk in Latino sexual minorities. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 51(1), 30–47.

  • Identify the basic research question as stated by the authors.
  • Identify a dependent variable and an independent variable.
  • Identify the level of measurement of each.
  • Find an example of a descriptive and an inferential statistic.
  • Examine the table on page 36. According to the data presented in this table, describe the characteristics of the distribution for each demographic category (age, education, employment, etc.)

Article 2
Ueno, K. (2010). Mental health differences between young adults with and without same-sex contact: A simultaneous examination of underlying mechanisms. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 51(4), 391–407.

  • Identify the basic research question as stated by the authors.
  • Find an example of a descriptive and an inferential statistic.
  • Examine the table on page 398. Describe the age distribution for each sample. Does the distribution appear to be normal?

Article 3
Skaburskis, A. (2012). Gentrification and Toronto’s changing household characteristics and income distribution. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 32(2), 191–203.

  • Describe Skaburskis’ argument.
  • Consider Skaburskis’ discussion of income distribution on pg.197. In general, do social scientists regard income as a normally distributed variable? Why or why not?